Widow Full Charge Headshot Dmg

The Tactical Shotgun is a Shotgun in Battle Royale that is available in Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants. It uses Shells and has a headshot multiplier of x1.5. It is fully automatic and fires faster than the Pump Shotgun and Charge Shotgun but slower than the Combat Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun and Drum Shotgun. The Tactical Shotgun used to be available in Uncommon, Rare. Using Widowmaker 's 2.5× headshot multiplier, the absolute highest increase from the original damage would be 1072.5%. Healing amplification works the same way as damage amplification, though the only healing dealt amplifier is Amplification Matrix (+100% healing dealt) and the only healing taken amplifier is Biotic Grenade (+50% healing taken).

Since he widow bans occurred and forced people like me to search for a new hero for a week. I think everyone’s eyes were opened to the full potentiality of Ashe. I feel that having another sniper in the game isn’t a bad thing. However, the widow Nerf that widow received to her charge rate in my opinion was unnecessary. I heard arguments referencing the mercy dmg boost and quick peaking. Nerf: Three arrows deals only 125 bodyshot so it means reaching one arrow wont kill 150hp targets anymore with headshot and same with 250 HP targets where you need a headshot that deals 300 damage per headshot, so you need at least two headshots not to take down tanks. If your target is low on health, it might be better to kill them with a.

Amélie Lacroix
Annecy, France

Amélie 'Widowmaker' Lacroix is a Damage class hero in Overwatch.

  • 2Strategy
    • 2.2Weapon Tips


Widowmaker’s versatile sniper rifle is ideal for scope-aimed shots at distant targets. Should targets close to medium range, the rifle can also be fired in fully-automatic mode.
1.5 Seconds
10 Rounds per Second
Widowmaker’s versatile sniper rifle is ideal for scope-aimed shots at distant targets. Should targets close to medium range, the rifle can also be fired in fully-automatic mode.
Headshot Multiplier:
Full Charge Time:
Reload Time:
Fire Rate:
Falloff Damage:
0.9 Seconds
35 (5 used per shot)
1.5 Seconds
1 Round per Second
Up to 50% damage falloff from 60-85 meters
Widowmaker launches a grappling hook towards the location she’s aiming at – when the hook connects with a scalable surface, she’s quickly drawn towards it, allowing her to expand her view of the battlefield and evade or flank targets.
12 seconds
Bounces off a surface if the distance between you and the hook is under 2 meters, canceling the hook and not costing any cooldown.
Widowmaker adheres a swiftly-arming venom mine to nearly any surface. When a target wanders within range of the mine’s motion trigger, it explodes, delivering poison gas to any enemies in the vicinity.
15 seconds
5 seconds
Widowmaker’s recon visor allows her to see the heat signatures and health bars of her targets through walls and objects for a moderate amount of time. This enhanced vision is shared with her allies, however the effect stops if Widowmaker dies during her ultimate.
15 seconds


General Tips[edit]

  • Widowmaker is a deadly sniper hero that focuses on scoping in and eliminating key targets from a long distance.
  • Widowmaker has many abilities to help her get that perfect spot for aiming.
  • Make sure you change your position often, or you will be found out and easily eliminated.
  • Practice aiming with Widowmaker's sniper rifle so you can learn to get your shots.
  • Try to keep your crosshair ahead of where your target might be going, so you can more easily snipe them.

Weapon Tips[edit]

Widow's Kiss (Assault)[edit]

  • This mode of her weapon makes a decent alternative for when enemies try to get close to her.
  • It is hard to kill tanks with this mode, as it could require multiple mags to take down.

Widow's Kiss (Sniper)[edit]

  • There are three arrows just below the crosshair. Reaching one arrow can kill 150 health heroes, such as Zenyatta and Tracer. Reaching two can kill 200-250 health heroes. Finally, reaching three deals 450 damage, which can take down most heroes in one shot.

Nerf: Three arrows deals only 125 bodyshot so it means reaching one arrow wont kill 150hp targets anymore with headshot and same with 250 HP targets where you need a headshot that deals 300 damage per headshot, so you need at least two headshots not to take down tanks.

  • If your target is low on health, it might be better to kill them with a bodyshot.
  • Shooting with this weapon leaves tracer shots behind, revealing your position, so don't spam with this mode.
  • This ability does no damage so don't waste it by randomly shooting it at enemies.

Grappling Hook[edit]

  • This ability is great for quickly reaching sniper spots and normally inaccessible areas to snipe from.
  • The ability doesn't go on cooldown until you hook onto something.
  • You can use this as an ability to get away from trouble and to a safe spot to run.

Venom Mine[edit]

  • Put your mine in places where flankers might you get from, so you can have a small safety precaution on whether you've been found.
  • Don't use this ability by shooting it in the fray. It deals lackluster damage overall and can be easily seen and destroyed.
  • You will have a marker where your venom mine is and will alert you when it's been triggered or destroyed

Ultimate: Infra-Sight[edit]

  • Use this ultimate almost whenever you can. Having knowledge of enemy positions is crucial for your team.
  • If you notice the enemy team might be preparing for a push, use this to find where they could be pushing from.
  • Your team can see enemy players during this ultimate, making it useful for anyone.



Widowmaker is the perfect assassin: a patient, ruthlessly efficient killer who shows neither emotion nor remorse.

It is believed that in her former life, Widowmaker was married to Gérard Lacroix, an Overwatch agent spearheading operations against the Talon terrorist organization. After several unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Gérard, Talon decided to change its focus to his wife, Amélie. Talon operatives kidnapped her and subjected her to an intense program of neural reconditioning. They broke her will, suppressed her personality, and reprogrammed her as a sleeper agent. She was eventually found by Overwatch agents, apparently none the worse for wear, and returned to her normal life.

Two weeks later she killed Gérard in his sleep.

Her mission complete, Amélie returned to Talon, and they completed the process of turning her into a living weapon. She was given extensive training in the covert arts, and then her physiology was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed her ability to experience human emotion. Amélie was gone.

Now, Widowmaker is Talon's most effective assassin, feeling little save the satisfaction of a job well done.


  • Voiced by Chloe Hollings

Version History[edit]

Balance Patch History
Patch VersionBalance Changes
June 14, 2016 Patch[note 1]
  • Widow’s Kiss
    • Alternate Fire (Scoped Shot)
      • Base damage decreased from 15 to 12
        • Note: Scoped shot damage multiplier remains unchanged
      • Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x
      • Players must now wait for the unscoping animation to completely finish before scoping
  • Infra-Sight
    • Ultimate cost increased by 10%
April 6, 2016 Patch
  • Fixed an issue where Widowmaker’s scope graphic wasn’t rendering when scoped in
November 20, 2015 Patch
  • Widow's Kiss
    • Scoped shot damage has been slightly reduced
    • Scoped shots will now consume 3 bullets instead of 1
November 9, 2015 Patch
  • Infra-Sight
    • Widowmaker can no longer gain ultimate charge while Infra-Sight is active
  1. Developer Comments: In the right hands, Widowmaker can often feel unstoppable—even when just landing body shots instead of critical heads shots. The changes to her alternate fire weaken body shot damage while leaving her headshot damage unchanged. Additionally, we felt her Ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, was coming up a little too frequently, especially considering its impact on the game.


Damage Heroes
Support Heroes
Tank Heroes

You'll find all sorts of weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, whether you earn them from completing mercenary jobs, buy them from stores, or pry them from the hands of your cold, dead enemies. But hidden out in the world among all the standard (if high-tech) guns, clubs, and swords you can find in Night City are much rarer, special weapons with unique properties. These are Iconic weapons, which you can only find in some key places and stand well above the other equipment you'll find on your journey to become a living legend.

Though Iconic weapons are some of the best in the game, they're also easy to miss. We've compiled a list of some of the Iconic weapons you can find throughout your journey, running down what they can do, and more importantly, where you can find them. While you're hunting for these, don't forget to read our Cyberpunk 2077 review and check out our essential tips, romance guide, life path guide, and guide for making money quickly and easily in Night City.

Fenrir -- Power Submachine Gun

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One of the earliest and extremely useful Iconic guns you can come across is Fenrir, a submachine gun that sets people on fire. A lot of guns you'll find will do thermal damage, but Fenrir has an increased chance to apply Burn to enemies, making for an extremely deadly gun. This is a great weapon to pick up early to help you get through some of the tough story fights you'll face on your way through Act 1.

Where To Find It: Sacrum Profanum Side Job, near where you find the monk in the warehouse.

Kongou -- Power Pistol

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Power pistols are fairly standard weapons, but can be very useful if you have the right cyberware to get some added functionality out of them. Power pistols can ricochet their bullets off surfaces, which you can use to your advantage with the right mods. The cool thing about Kongou is that it bypasses the need for equipping certain cyberware augments--just using the gun allows you to see potential ricochets and use it to its full capabilities.

Where To Find It: Yorinobu's penthouse on the nightstand during The Heist in Act 1.

Lizzie -- Tech Pistol

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Lizzie is a fast-firing pistol, and dumping tons of ammo on enemies quickly is part of what makes it great. It also fires an extra round per shot, and can be charged to fire a volley of shots all at once. Plus, the pistol does Thermal damage, with a low chance of inflicting Burn, and while that chance is pretty low, it puts out so much ammo that you're almost definitely going to set lots of bad guys on fire.

Where To Find It: Judy's den at Lizzie's bar, when you return there in Act 2 before Automatic Love.

Cocktail Stick -- Katana

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Widow Full Charge Headshot Dmg File

One of the best early swords you can find is Cocktail Stick, and it has the added benefit of being bright pink, making it kind of hilarious as you use it to behead enemies. The sword itself doesn't have too much in the way of additional perks, but it does have added chances for critical damage and to inflict Bleeding on enemies, so slice away.

Where To Find It: Clouds VIP area during the Automatic Love story quest in Act 2. Check the dressing room before reaching Woodman.

Widow Maker -- Tech Precision Rifle

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Tech rifles are already some of the more useful weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 thanks to their ability to charge up and shoot through walls and cover. Widow Maker is an even better version of your standard Tech rifle because it doesn't just fire one shot through walls, but two. It also lays down Chemical damage and comes with a chance to poison enemies, just in case you don't manage to headshot everyone with your first blast.

Where To Find It: On Nash in the Raffen Scav hideout, during the Ghost Town story mission.

Cottonmouth -- One-Handed Club

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Cottonmouth is one of the best blunt weapons you'll come by in the early part of the game. It hits hard and comes with some serious added benefits: namely, it inflicts both Chemical and Electrical damage and comes with the chance to Poison and Shock enemies. That's great for taking opponents down quickly, especially if you're trying to avoid killing them, since Cottonmouth is a non-lethal weapon.

Where To Find It: On Finger's bed during the Disasterpeace story mission in Act 2.

Scalpel -- Katana

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To start with, Scalpel is a slick sword thanks to the addition of Electrical damage with every blow. It gets the added benefit of an increased chance for critical damage, as well. You get the most out of the Scalpel katana when you've got the Sandevistan cyberware equipped, though. When it's active, hits apply Bleeding and your chance to deal critical damage increases by 50%.

Where To Find It: Reward for completing the Big In Japan Side Job.

Tsumetogi -- Katana

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Tsumetogi isn't too different from Scalpel, in that it'll deal Electrical damage and potentially Shock enemies as you slice through enemies. The upside, though, is that Tsumetogi cuts the amount of Stamina it costs to swing your sword at enemies. It also gives you some slight resistance to Electrical damage, and increases your damage for 'non-standard' attacks--which includes the strong attacks that are executed by holding down the attack button.

Widow Full Charge Headshot Dmg Free

Where To Find It: Take it off the table in the room where you speak to the Tyger Claws bosses during the Pisces Side Job, as part of Judy's story arc.

Overwatch -- Power Sniper Rifle

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It's hard to come across a better sniper rifle than Overwatch. It does massive physical damage with each shot and comes with a custom silencer, making it easier to stay hidden while blasting away at enemies. It also has a relatively high critical damage chance and deals more than double damage for headshots. Overwatch is extremely powerful and can drop lots of enemies in just one shot.

Where To Find It: Reward for completing the Riders on the Storm Side Job in Panam's story arc.

Tinker Bell -- One-Handed Club

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The story that goes with Tinker Bell is pretty upsetting, but it's still a useful and powerful non-lethal weapon. It does massive Electrical damage and carries a big chance to inflict Shock on enemies, while also having a pretty good chance of landing critical damage, as well. Use a strong attack and you also get a chance to knock an enemy out in one shot.

Where To Find It: Located in The Hunt Side Job in River's story arc. Look for it in the hidden room in Peter Pan's farmhouse; you'll need to find the switch in his bedroom to reach it.

Crash -- Power Pistol

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Crash combines the increased power of revolvers with the damage-dealing capabilities of a fully automatic weapon. It does high damage and has a really good chance for landing critical hits, but if you aim down the sights and hold down the fire button, Crash flips to full-auto and unloads ammo on your target. If you want a powerful and versatile handgun, this is a great one.

Where To Find It: Reward for completing River's story arc, which starts with the I Fought The Law Side Job.

Malorian Arms 3516 -- Power Pistol

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You'll use Johnny Silverhand's pistol a few times during the main story of Cyberpunk 2077, which will show you how ridiculously powerful it is. You can eventually find the gun later and it's worth hunting. It lays down huge damage, including extra Thermal damage, and reloads very quickly. It also sports four mod slots so you can trick it out even more.

Where To Find It: Loot it from Grayson during the Chippin' In Side Job.

Apparition -- Tech Pistol

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Another useful Power pistol, Apparition is mostly a high-damage weapon that'll show up later in the game. Though it doesn't have any special elemental damage boosts, it does hit very hard with physical damage. The upshot is that Apparition monitors your health to give you boons when you get hurt. When your health is at critical, Apparition reloads faster, fires faster, and does more damage. If you charge up your shots with critical health, they'll do double damage.

Widow Full Charge Headshot Dmg Pro

Where To Find It: Complete the Warpigs Side Job and loot it off a body. This one seems to only be available to characters on the Corpo life path.

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