Wbs Work Breakdown Structure

  1. Wbs Project Management
  2. Wbs Work Breakdown Structure
  3. Pmi Wbs Work Breakdown Structure
  4. Wbs Work Breakdown Structure Word
  5. Wbs (work Breakdown Structure)

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a visual tool for defining and tracking a project deliverable and all the small components needed to create it. With a work breakdown structure, you can stay focused on what you need to accomplish as you move toward the project deadline. A work breakdown structure is not a list of tasks, a schedule or an organization chart. Rather it provides the basis on which a task list and a schedule can be constructed. Tasks and schedules are better handled in other ways, for example by using Gantt charts.

HomeProject ManagementHow to Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management

Project Management

Wbs Project Management

Project Management is the art of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling resources, which is very similar to managing a home with protocols; with a marked difference in achieving scientific goals. A Work Breakdown Structure on the other hand is the thorough and specific task of managing a project; one that requires critical planning.
Creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) helps you to be both comprehensive and specific when managing a project. Thinking each and every aspect is critical while planning your project, but you also need to look at the big picture. If you fail to recognize a major part of your project’s work, you won’t have the chance to detail it either.

Work Breakdown Structure

Typically, a project work breakdown structure is a framework that combines data, product or services or a culmination of all. This structure paves the way for a lot of important tasks that can be charted before the start of a project. It serves a road map for detailed cost estimating, resources, development of schedules, bearing in mind work schedules, deliverables and sometimes work packages. There are several types of structures though usually a traditional one would involve four definite elements. These are:

  • Scope
  • Schedule
  • Deliverables and
  • Costs

The idea behind any work breakdown structure (WBS) is to organize several sections of a project into manageable sections. WBS is an extremely detailed plan that can be applied to any type of project management methodology. While creating the structure can be tedious, the completion of one can comfortably predict a project’s success. The construction of a WBS can be done by most fields though information technology projects fit perfectly well within WBS.
The PMBOK® defines WBS as “deliverable oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team.” Most project managers create diagrams in illustrating the project schedule and thereby their chain of thought. For example, the WBS clearly defines the scope in chunks that can be managed by several levels of people at the projected time. While this is true, here is what the WBS essentially takes care of:

  • Clarity:

    The entire crux of creating a WBS is for everyone involved in the project to have an absolute clear picture about how the project needs to be executed. The WBS also includes scores of diagrams enlisting names, phases, duties and the effort required.

  • Organization:

    Organizing a project is a mammoth task and its scope is further disintegrated into roles and number of people according to the phase.

  • Simplicity:

    Because the phases are written down, the entire project can be tracked on the basis of its current phase as well as the succeeding phase.

  • Division of Labour:

    All phases are equally divided with regard to size (number of people required) time (duration of activity) and roles (responsibility for each member of the project).

  • Diagrams:

    The diagrams help in explaining hierarchy, with responsibilities fleshed out in detail.

Wbs Work Breakdown Structure

Steps to Create a Work Breakdown Structure in Project Management

Pmi Wbs Work Breakdown Structure

  • Absolute Scope:

    The pivotal reason behind WBS is an absolute and deviously organized single focused organization. This creates a kind of a hierarchy breaking down each task into further chunks that are specific and can be measured at any given time. This also helps in understanding how long each task would approximately take bearing the deadline in mind.

  • Responsibilities:

    Assigning responsibilities is a lot easier if the tasks are already listed. Controlling and monitoring the project along with allocating resources becomes more transparent with deliverables becoming more precise.

  • Control:

    Finally, a work breakdown structure allows you to revisit all the deliverables giving the fact that they are assigned to the right people and timed in a way that each task is allotted the perfect time in the completion of the project.

Wbs Work Breakdown Structure Word

WBS is known to create efficiency and accurateness in a project. Often, the overall deliverables are clear though executing this is not. A work breakdown structure helps one in defining the objectives and clarifying all tasks until the last link. With responsibilities etched out amongst the project members, each resource has its own task to complete in the stipulated time. The structure also gives a lot of attention to making the project as error-free as possible. It also instils confidence among your team, making each member feel ably responsible for the task assigned to them; thereby ensuring the success of the project at an early stage.

Wbs (work Breakdown Structure)

May I ask for a case study/example for a WBS (following the steps stated above)?

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