Trace 700 Trane

  1. Trane Tracer Software
  2. Trane Trace 700 Tutorial
  3. Trane Trace 700 Tutorial Pdf

Trane Trace Design Airflow

My company is trying to decide between HAP and Trane Trace 3D sine Trane Trace 700 will be going away soon. Most of us know 700, but a handful know HAP also. In order to make that change in TRACE 700, we have to apply these changes, close out of create templates, and go to create systems. When we're in create systems, on the first tab we click the advance button. At the bottom of the advance button, there’s a field called the system ventilation flag.


Trane Tracer Software


Trane Trace 700 Tutorial

Trane Trace Design Airflow


Trane Trace 700 Tutorial Pdf

I'm a beginner in Trane Trace 700, and I'm having a problem I can't figure out. I'm doing load calculations for a building. I ran the calcs and everything came out OK. The procedure for me now is to go through the OA calculations using ASHARE 62.1 excel sheet (the company advises us not to use Trace ventilation method). Now that I hve the new OA numbers, I'd like to add them to the rooms, but I also want to specifiy the design airflow for the room so I don't have to go through a new set of OA calcs when Trace outputs a new design CFM.
I attempted to set the 'Main Supply' airflow in the airflow tab for the rooms, but the airflow was still off by around 10%. I can't figure out why, but the design/space CFM is not coming out to what I specified. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

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