David Lucas Burge

David Lucas Burge - The Perfect Pitch Ear Training Super Course, Learn to recognize EXACT tones - BY EAR! The #1 best-selling. Get Download David Lucas Burge - Relative Pitch Ear Training (Level 1 of 5), LESSON 7: 2 Spelling Test: Major and Minor Chords (13:14) / 3 Sound Test. David Lucas Burge - The Complete Relative Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse courses,The average teacher would have told you that Relative Pitch is all about.

Aug 9th, 2013
David Lucas Burge
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  1. Relative Pitch Ear Training by David Lucas Burge Torrent Download
  2. Torrent Files list:
  3. Relative Pitch Ear Training by David Lucas Burge
  4. Lesson 1 - 1 - Introductory Talk Part 1.mp3 36 MB
  5. Lesson 1 - 3 - About The Course.mp3 5 MB
  6. Lesson 1 - 4 - The Importance of Musical Spelling.mp3 4 MB
  7. Lesson 1 - 6 - Half Steps & Whole Steps.mp3 1 MB
  8. Lesson 1 - 8 - Introducing The Grand Round Ear-Opening Technique.mp3 12 MB
  9. Lesson 2 - 1 - Introduction.mp3 2 MB
  10. Lesson 2 - 2 - Correct Spellings Perfect Fifths.mp3 8 MB
  11. Lesson 2 - 3 - The Grand Round Ear-Opening Technique.mp3 14 MB
  12. Lesson 2 - 5 - The Sound Round Technique.mp3 2 MB
  13. Lesson 2 - 6 - The Random Round Technique.mp3 4 MB
  14. Lesson 3 - 1 - Introduction.mp3 1 MB
  15. Lesson 3 - 3 - Spelling Test Perfect Fifths.mp3 9 MB
  16. Lesson 3 - 5 - Sound Test Perfect Fifths (Singing).mp3 16 MB
  17. Lesson 3 - 7 - Correct Spellings Perfect Fourths.mp3 4 MB
  18. Lesson 4 - 2 - Spelling Test Perfect Fourths.mp3 10 MB
  19. Lesson 4 - 3 - Sound Test Perfect Fourths.mp3 15 MB
  20. Lesson 4 - 4 - Perfect Unisons & Perfect Octaves.mp3 7 MB
  21. Lesson 4 - 6 - Melodic & Harmonic Intervals.mp3 2 MB
  22. Lesson 4 - 8 - Correct Spellings Major Thirds (Double Shar.mp3 9 MB
  23. Lesson 5 - 2 - Spelling Test Major Thirds.mp3 11 MB
  24. Lesson 5 - 4 - Speed Recognition Drilling Procedures.mp3 7 MB
  25. Lesson 5 - 5 - Lightning Roung Mixed Melodic P4 & P5.mp3 4 MB
  26. Lesson 5 - 6 - Speed Recognition of Tones.mp3 2 MB
  27. Lesson 5 - 7 - Lightning Round Mixed Harmonic P4, P5 & PO.mp3 7 MB
  28. Lesson 5 - 9 - Correct Spellings Minor Thirds.mp3 3 MB
  29. Lesson 6 - 02 - Spelling Test Minor Thirds.mp3 9 MB
  30. Lesson 6 - 03 - Sound Test Minor Thirds.mp3 13 MB
  31. Lesson 6 - 05 - Arpeggios.mp3 1 MB
  32. Lesson 6 - 06 - Lightning Rounds Major & Minor Arpeggios.mp3 4 MB
  33. Lesson 6 - 08 - Listening Technique.mp3 1 MB
  34. Lesson 6 - 09 - Lightning Round Mixed Major & Minor Arpegg.mp3 3 MB
  35. Lesson 6 - 11 - Puzzle Drill (Chord Roots).mp3 8 MB
  36. Lesson 7 - 2 - Spelling Test Major & Minor Chords.mp3 15 MB
  37. Lesson 7 - 3 - Sound Test Major & Minor Arpeggios.mp3 14 MB
  38. Lesson 7 - 4 - Major & Minor The Basic Structure of Music.mp3 1 MB
  39. Lesson 7 - 5 - Notation of Intervals & Chords.mp3 2 MB
  40. Lesson 7 - 7 - Lightning Round Mixed P4, P5, PO & PU.mp3 16 MB
  41. Lesson 8 - 02 - Speed Recognition of Tones.mp3 3 MB
  42. Lesson 8 - 03 - Lightning Rounds Melodic Thirds.mp3 6 MB
  43. Lesson 8 - 05 - Mixed Thirds.mp3 5 MB
  44. Lesson 8 - 06 - Tertian, Quartal & Quintal Harmony.mp3 3 MB
  45. Lesson 8 - 07 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill.mp3 15 MB
  46. Lesson 8 - 09 - More Drilling Procedures.mp3 1 MB
  47. Lesson 8 - 10 - Lightning Round P5, P4, PO & PU.mp3 10 MB
  48. Lesson 8 - 11 - More Drilling Procedures.mp3 1 MB
  49. Lesson 9 - 02 - Exam Procedures.mp3 4 MB
  50. Lesson 9 - 03 - Level One Exam, Section 1 Spelling Test.mp3 6 MB
  51. Lesson 9 - 04 - Level One Exam, Section 2 Relative Pitch I.mp3 8 MB
  52. Lesson 9 - 05 - Level One Exam, Section 3 Interval Singing.mp3 7 MB
  53. Lesson 9 - 06 - Level One Exam, Section 4 Lightning Round.mp3 8 MB
  54. Lesson 9 - 07 - Level One Exam, Section 5 Synthesizer Ligh.mp3 7 MB
  55. Lesson 9 - 08 - Level One Exam, Section 5 Synthesizer Ligh.mp3 5 MB
  56. Lesson 9 - 10 - Conclusion of Level One.mp3 4 MB
  57. Lesson 9 - 11 - Relative Pitch Power Points Part 1.mp3 1 MB
  58. Lesson 9 - 12 - Relative Pitch Power Points Part 2.mp3 26 MB
  59. Lesson 10 - 01 - Introduction.mp3 2 MB
  60. Lesson 10 - 02 - Inversions of Major & Minor Chords & Arpeggios.mp3 4 MB
  61. Lesson 10 - 03 - Drill Melodic Inversions.mp3 5 MB
  62. Lesson 10 - 04 - Listen Technique Inversions.mp3 4 MB
  63. Lesson 10 - 05 - Drill Harmonic Major Inversions-Top Listening.mp3 4 MB
  64. Lesson 10 - 07 - Drill Mixed Major Inversions.mp3 8 MB
  65. Lesson 10 - 09 - Listening Technique.mp3 2 MB
  66. Lesson 10 - 10 - Drill Mixed Major & Minor Inversions.mp3 10 MB
  67. Lesson 10 - 11 - Listening Technique & Major Seconds.mp3 2 MB
  68. Lesson 10 - 12 - Correct Spellings Major Seconds.mp3 2 MB
  69. Lesson 11 - 02 - Miscellaneous.mp3 2 MB
  70. Lesson 11 - 03 - Spelling Test Major Seconds.mp3 5 MB
  71. Lesson 11 - 04 - Sound Test Major Seconds.mp3 7 MB
  72. Lesson 11 - 06 - Lightning Round Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2,.mp3 4 MB
  73. Lesson 11 - 07 - Dissonance & Consonance.mp3 2 MB
  74. Lesson 11 - 08 - Lightning Round Mixed Inversions.mp3 7 MB
  75. Lesson 11 - 09 - Listening Technique Inversions.mp3 4 MB
  76. Lesson 11 - 11 - Drill Major & Minor Inversions.mp3 6 MB
  77. Lesson 11 - 13 - Minor Seconds.mp3 1 MB
  78. Lesson 11 - 14 - Correct Spellings Minor Seconds.mp3 2 MB
  79. Lesson 12 - 02 - Spelling Test Minor Seconds.mp3 5 MB
  80. Lesson 12 - 03 - Sound Test Minor Seconds.mp3 7 MB
  81. Lesson 12 - 04 - Lightning Round Melodic Seconds.mp3 9 MB
  82. Lesson 12 - 06 - Lightning Round Harmonic Seconds.mp3 4 MB
  83. Lesson 12 - 08 - Lightning Round Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2,.mp3 7 MB
  84. Lesson 12 - 09 - Drill Instructions Harmonic Inversions.mp3 2 MB
  85. Lesson 12 - 10 - Drill Harmonic Inversions.mp3 12 MB
  86. Lesson 12 - 12 - Correct Spellings Major Sixths.mp3 1 MB
  87. Lesson 13 - 02 - Listening Technique (Sound Association).mp3 4 MB
  88. Lesson 13 - 03 - Spelling Test Major Sixths.mp3 6 MB
  89. Lesson 13 - 04 - Sound Test Major Sixths.mp3 10 MB
  90. Lesson 13 - 05 - Lightning Round P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M.mp3 9 MB
  91. Lesson 13 - 07 - Listening Technique.mp3 2 MB
  92. Lesson 13 - 08 - Drill Melodic Inversions.mp3 13 MB
  93. Lesson 13 - 10 - Minor Sixths.mp3 0 MB
  94. Lesson 13 - 11 - Correct Spellings Minor Sixths.mp3 2 MB
  95. Lesson 14 - 02 - Spelling Test Minor Sixths.mp3 7 MB
  96. Lesson 14 - 03 - Sound Test Monir Sixths.mp3 10 MB
  97. Lesson 14 - 05 - Lightning Round Sixths.mp3 11 MB
  98. Lesson 14 - 07 - Drill Inversions.mp3 8 MB
  99. Lesson 14 - 08 - Note for Musicians with Perfect Pitch.mp3 1 MB
  100. Lesson 14 - 09 - Augmented Fifth Chords (Sharp 5 Chords).mp3 5 MB
  101. Lesson 14 - 10 - Correct Spellings Sharp Five Chords.mp3 2 MB
  102. Lesson 15 - 02 - Memorization for Self-Sufficiency.mp3 3 MB
  103. Lesson 15 - 03 - Spelling Test Sharp Five (Augmented ) Chords.mp3 6 MB
  104. Lesson 15 - 05 - Notation of Sharp 5 (#5) Chords.mp3 1 MB
  105. Lesson 15 - 07 - Lightning Round Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2,.mp3 8 MB
  106. Lesson 15 - 09 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill.mp3 10 MB
  107. Lesson 15 - 11 - Interval Singing Drill.mp3 6 MB
  108. Lesson 16 - 2 - All Inversions Lesson-Drill Inversions.mp3 8 MB
  109. Lesson 16 - 3 - Synthesizer Drills 1) Inversions.mp3 16 MB
  110. Lesson 16 - 4 - Synthesizer Drills Special Instructions.mp3 1 MB
  111. Lesson 16 - 5 - Synthesizer Drills 2) Moving Inversions.mp3 26 MB
  112. Lesson 17 - 2 - Procedure.mp3 2 MB
  113. Lesson 17 - 3 - Exam 2) Relative Pitch Identification.mp3 7 MB
  114. Lesson 17 - 5 - Exam 3) Interval Singing.mp3 7 MB
  115. Lesson 17 - 7 - Exam 5) Major & Minor Inversions.mp3 6 MB
  116. Lesson 17 - 8 - Exam 6) Inversions Sound & Spelling.mp3 8 MB
  117. Lesson 18 - 01 - Introduction.mp3 2 MB
  118. Lesson 18 - 03 - Diminished Fifth Chords (Flat Fice Chords).mp3 4 MB
  119. Lesson 18 - 04 - Chords Open & Close Position.mp3 7 MB
  120. Lesson 18 - 06 - Keynotes & Degrees.mp3 3 MB
  121. Lesson 18 - 07 - Drill Keynotes, Degrees & Inversions - Part 1.mp3 13 MB
  122. Lesson 18 - 09 - Drill Keynotes, Degrees & Inversions - Part 2.mp3 7 MB
  123. Lesson 18 - 10 - Drilling Points & Homework (m7).mp3 3 MB
  124. Lesson 18 - 11 - Correct Spellings Diminished Fifth Chords.mp3 2 MB
  125. Lesson 18 - 12 - Correct Spellings Minor Sevenths.mp3 4 MB
  126. Lesson 19 - 2 - Spelling Test Minor Sevenths.mp3 8 MB
  127. Lesson 19 - 3 - Sound Test Minor Sevenths.mp3 13 MB
  128. Lesson 19 - 4 - Spelling Test Flat Five (Diminished Fifth).mp3 7 MB
  129. Lesson 19 - 6 - Lightning Rounds Major, Minor, Diminished,.mp3 8 MB
  130. Lesson 19 - 7 - Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, m7, P.mp3 8 MB
  131. Lesson 19 - 8 - Drilling Technique & Homework (M7).mp3 2 MB
  132. Lesson 19 - 9 - Correct Spellings Major Sevenths.mp3 2 MB
  133. Lesson 20 - 2 - Spelling Test Major Sevenths.mp3 7 MB
  134. Lesson 20 - 3 - Sound Test Major Sevenths.mp3 13 MB
  135. Lesson 20 - 4 - Lightning Rounds Sevenths.mp3 8 MB
  136. Lesson 20 - 5 - Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, M7, m.mp3 8 MB
  137. Lesson 20 - 6 - The Purpose of Relative Pitch Ear Training .mp3 2 MB
  138. Lesson 20 - 7 - Augmented Fourths Outwitting the Devil in.mp3 6 MB
  139. Lesson 20 - 8 - Correct Spellings Augmented Fourths (Tritones).mp3 4 MB
  140. Lesson 20 - 9 - Star Spangled Banner Assignment.mp3 3 MB
  141. Lesson 21 - 2 - How to Take Music Out of Your Head.mp3 30 MB
  142. Lesson 21 - 4 - Lightning Round All Mixed (including Augme.mp3 8 MB
  143. Lesson 21 - 6 - New Drill Procedure.mp3 1 MB
  144. Lesson 22 - 2 - Spelling Test Augmented Fourths.mp3 7 MB
  145. Lesson 22 - 3 - Sound Test Augmented Fourths.mp3 14 MB
  146. Lesson 22 - 4 - Lightning Round P4, P5, Tritones.mp3 5 MB
  147. Lesson 22 - 5 - Compound Intervals Ninths, Tenths, Elevent.mp3 3 MB
  148. Lesson 22 - 6 - Lightning Round All Mixed.mp3 6 MB
  149. Lesson 22 - 7 - Synthesizer Lightning Round.mp3 13 MB
  150. Lesson 22 - 8 - Comments & Homework (M9).mp3 1 MB
  151. Lesson 23 - 2 - Test Major Ninths.mp3 6 MB
  152. Lesson 23 - 3 - Lightning Round All Mixed.mp3 10 MB
  153. Lesson 23 - 4 - Stabilization of a Powerful Ear.mp3 2 MB
  154. Lesson 23 - 5 - Taking Music Out of Your Head.mp3 3 MB
  155. Lesson 23 - 6 - Stepwise Motion - Spelling.mp3 18 MB
  156. Lesson 23 - 7 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill.mp3 9 MB
  157. Lesson 23 - 8 - Comments & Homework (m9).mp3 3 MB
  158. Lesson 24 - 02 - Test Minor Ninths.mp3 2 MB
  159. Lesson 24 - 04 - Miscellaneous Notes on Intervals & Theoret.mp3 10 MB
  160. Lesson 24 - 06 - Dominant Seventh Chords.mp3 2 MB
  161. Lesson 24 - 07 - Lightning Round Major, Minor, Augmented, .mp3 6 MB
  162. Lesson 24 - 08 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill Part 1.mp3 4 MB
  163. Lesson 24 - 09 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill Part 2.mp3 5 MB
  164. Lesson 24 - 10 - Major & Minor Inversions - Open & Close Po.mp3 7 MB
  165. Lesson 24 - 12 - Lightning Round All Mixed.mp3 10 MB
  166. Lesson 25 - 1 - Introduction.mp3 1 MB
  167. Lesson 25 - 2 - Mini-Test Theoretical Intervals.mp3 4 MB
  168. Lesson 25 - 3 - Chords Sound & Spelling - Major, Minor, Au.mp3 8 MB
  169. Lesson 25 - 4 - Synthesizer Lightning Round All Mixed with.mp3 12 MB
  170. Lesson 25 - 5 - Exam Part 1, Chords (Singing).mp3 5 MB
  171. Lesson 25 - 6 - Exam Part 2, Musical Dictation.mp3 10 MB
  172. Lesson 25 - 8 - Answers to Exam, Part 2.mp3 6 MB
  173. Lesson 26 - 1 - Introduction.mp3 2 MB
  174. Lesson 26 - 2 - Talks 1) Stabilization of Relative Pitch .mp3 13 MB
  175. Lesson 26 - 3 - Talks 2) How Perfect Pitch & Relative Pitc.mp3 20 MB
  176. Lesson 26 - 4 - Ear Training Technique Learning the Broad .mp3 2 MB
  177. Lesson 26 - 5 - Dominant Seventh Inversions (with Third Inv.mp3 7 MB
  178. Lesson 26 - 6 - Lightning Round Dominant Seventh Chords.mp3 1 MB
  179. Lesson 26 - 8 - Preparation for Stability Tests.mp3 1 MB
  180. Lesson 27 - 2 - Stability Test Procedures.mp3 3 MB
  181. Lesson 27 - 4 - Major Scales Essential Foundations for Ear.mp3 12 MB
  182. Lesson 27 - 5 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees.mp3 11 MB
  183. Lesson 27 - 6 - Drill Dominant Sevenths - Part 1.mp3 9 MB
  184. Lesson 27 - 7 - Drill Dominant Sevenths - Part 2.mp3 7 MB
  185. Lesson 28 - 2 - Stability Test P4.mp3 7 MB
  186. Lesson 28 - 3 - Correct Spellings Major Scales.mp3 7 MB
  187. Lesson 28 - 4 - The Value of Scale Spellings.mp3 2 MB
  188. Lesson 28 - 6 - Music The Finest of the Fine Arts.mp3 3 MB
  189. Lesson 28 - 7 - The Value of Scale Degrees.mp3 1 MB
  190. Lesson 28 - 8 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - Part 1 (Degree).mp3 4 MB
  191. Lesson 28 - 9 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - Part 2 (Name).mp3 5 MB
  192. Lesson 29 - 02 - Stability Test M3.mp3 7 MB
  193. Lesson 29 - 03 - Lightning Rounds Scale Degrees - Part 1 (.mp3 6 MB
  194. Lesson 29 - 04 - Lightning Rounds Scale Degrees - Part 2 (Name).mp3 5 MB
  195. Lesson 29 - 05 - Perfect Pitch & Relative Pitch Working Together.mp3 7 MB
  196. Lesson 29 - 07 - New Practice Routine for Lesson 30.mp3 7 MB
  197. Lesson 29 - 09 - Seventh Chords.mp3 7 MB
  198. Lesson 29 - 10 - Chord Drill M7, m7, m M7, Dom7.mp3 10 MB
  199. Lesson 30 - 01 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - C.mp3 1 MB
  200. Lesson 30 - 02 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - C Sharp.mp3 4 MB
  201. Lesson 30 - 03 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - D Flat.mp3 3 MB
  202. Lesson 30 - 04 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - D.mp3 3 MB
  203. Lesson 30 - 05 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - E Flat.mp3 3 MB
  204. Lesson 30 - 06 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - E.mp3 3 MB
  205. Lesson 30 - 07 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - F.mp3 3 MB
  206. Lesson 30 - 08 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - F.mp3 3 MB
  207. Lesson 30 - 09 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - F Sharp.mp3 3 MB
  208. Lesson 30 - 10 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - G Flat.mp3 3 MB
  209. Lesson 30 - 11 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - G.mp3 3 MB
  210. Lesson 30 - 12 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - A Flat.mp3 3 MB
  211. Lesson 30 - 13 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - A.mp3 3 MB
  212. Lesson 30 - 14 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - B Flat.mp3 3 MB
  213. Lesson 30 - 15 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - B.mp3 3 MB
  214. Lesson 30 - 16 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - C Flat.mp3 3 MB
  215. Lesson 31 - 01 - Introduction.mp3 1 MB
  216. Lesson 31 - 03 - Listening Technique Speed Recognition of .mp3 4 MB
  217. Lesson 31 - 04 - Lightning Rounds M7, m7, m M7, Dom7 - Arp.mp3 5 MB
  218. Lesson 31 - 05 - Relative Pitch Chord Color.mp3 1 MB
  219. Lesson 31 - 07 - Lightning Round All Chords.mp3 5 MB
  220. Lesson 31 - 09 - Diatonic Tones.mp3 11 MB
  221. Lesson 31 - 10 - Lightning Round Chord Degrees (Root Position).mp3 7 MB
  222. Lesson 32 - 02 - Stability Test.mp3 8 MB
  223. Lesson 32 - 03 - Augmented Dominant Seventh Chords (Dom7#5).mp3 6 MB
  224. Lesson 32 - 05 - Diminished Minor Seventh Chords (m7flat5).mp3 2 MB
  225. Lesson 32 - 06 - Diminished Seventh Chords.mp3 1 MB
  226. Lesson 32 - 07 - Half Dinimished & Full Diminished Sevenths.mp3 3 MB
  227. Lesson 32 - 09 - Drills Altered Seventh Arpeggios.mp3 4 MB
  228. Lesson 32 - 11 - Lightning Round All Seventh Chords.mp3 9 MB
  229. Lesson 32 - 12 - The Key to Chord Indentification.mp3 2 MB
  230. Lesson 33 - 1 - Introduction.mp3 1 MB
  231. Lesson 33 - 3 - Exam Bach for Rock (& ALL Musical Styles).mp3 9 MB
  232. Lesson 33 - 5 - Instructions for Exam Answers.mp3 3 MB
  233. Lesson 33 - 6 - Analysis Following the Flow of Music by Ear.mp3 14 MB
  234. Lesson 33 - 7 - The 8 Essential Perceptions for the Establi.mp3 11 MB
  235. Level 5
  236. Lesson 34 - 2 - Stability Test M2 & m2.mp3 7 MB
  237. Lesson 34 - 3 - Analysis of Bach Following the Flow of Mus.mp3 12 MB
  238. Lesson 34 - 4 - Pivot Chords & Changing Chords.mp3 15 MB
  239. Lesson 34 - 6 - Progression & Modulation.mp3 15 MB
  240. Lesson 35 - 02 - Stability Test m7.mp3 7 MB
  241. Lesson 35 - 03 - Conclusion of Bach Assignment The Ranges .mp3 7 MB
  242. Lesson 35 - 04 - Lightning Rounds Chord Degrees-1) Root Po.mp3 4 MB
  243. Lesson 35 - 05 - Lightning Rounds Chord Degrees-2) First I.mp3 2 MB
  244. Lesson 35 - 06 - Lightning Rounds Chord Degrees-3) Second .mp3 3 MB
  245. Lesson 35 - 07 - Listening Technique 1) Roots & Bass Notes.mp3 3 MB
  246. Lesson 35 - 08 - Listening Technique 2) Second Inversion O.mp3 2 MB
  247. Lesson 35 - 09 - Listening Technique 3) Five Chords, Seven.mp3 1 MB
  248. Lesson 35 - 10 - Suspended Fourth Chords.mp3 3 MB
  249. Lesson 35 - 12 - Notation of Chords.mp3 1 MB
  250. Lesson 35 - 13 - Lightning Rounds 1) Sus4, M6, m6 Chords.mp3 3 MB
  251. Lesson 35 - 14 - Lightning Rounds 2) Seventh Chords.mp3 4 MB
  252. Lesson 35 - 15 - Lightning Rounds 3) Sixth, Seventh & Sus4.mp3 5 MB
  253. Lesson 35 - 16 - Chord Spelling, Playing & Singing Assignment.mp3 3 MB
  254. Lesson 36 - 02 - Stability Test M7.mp3 7 MB
  255. Lesson 36 - 04 - Relative Major & Minor Keys (Tonalities).mp3 3 MB
  256. Lesson 36 - 06 - Harmonic Minor.mp3 2 MB
  257. Lesson 36 - 08 - Add 9 & 6 9 Chords.mp3 2 MB
  258. Lesson 36 - 09 - Minor Suspended Fourth Chords.mp3 2 MB
  259. Lesson 36 - 11 - Lightning Round Sixth, Add 9, 6 9, Sus4 Chords.mp3 7 MB
  260. Lesson 36 - 12 - Dominant Seventh Flat Five Chords.mp3 1 MB
  261. Lesson 36 - 13 - Lightning Round All Seventh Chords.mp3 9 MB
  262. Lesson 37 - 01 - Introduction.mp3 1 MB
  263. Lesson 37 - 02 - Equal-Tempered and Just Tuning Systems.mp3 12 MB
  264. Lesson 37 - 03 - The Three Essentials for Singing in Perfec.mp3 6 MB
  265. Lesson 37 - 05 - Major & Minor Ninth Chords.mp3 2 MB
  266. Lesson 37 - 06 - Lightning Round M9 & m9 Chords.mp3 2 MB
  267. Lesson 37 - 07 - Dominant 9, Dominant Flar 9 & Dominant #9 .mp3 3 MB
  268. Lesson 37 - 08 - Lightning Rounds Dom9, Dom Flat 9, Dom #9.mp3 4 MB
  269. Lesson 37 - 09 - Lightning Rounds Ninth Chords.mp3 4 MB
  270. Lesson 37 - 10 - Lightning Rounds Ninth Chords with Add 9 .mp3 11 MB
  271. Lesson 38 - 2 - Minor Scales in Comtemporary Music.mp3 5 MB
  272. Lesson 38 - 4 - Drill Minor Scale Degrees.mp3 7 MB
  273. Lesson 38 - 5 - Lightning Rounds Seventh & Fourth Chords.mp3 8 MB
  274. Lesson 38 - 6 - Lightning Rounds Ninth & Sixth Chords.mp3 7 MB
  275. Lesson 38 - 7 - Voicings, EXtensions & Omitted Tomes.mp3 3 MB
  276. Lesson 38 - 9 - Lightning Round Eleventh Chords.mp3 10 MB
  277. Lesson 39 - 2 - Borrowed Dominants.mp3 13 MB
  278. Lesson 39 - 3 - Cadences Full, Half, Plagal, Deceptive, fl.mp3 12 MB
  279. Lesson 39 - 5 - Pedal Point.mp3 3 MB
  280. Lesson 39 - 6 - Drill Progressions (Cadences).mp3 13 MB
  281. Lesson 39 - 8 - Lightning Round M13, m13, Dom13.mp3 6 MB
  282. Lesson 40 - 01 - Introduction (All Chord Lesson).mp3 1 MB
  283. Lesson 40 - 02 - How to Label Any Chord You Hear.mp3 9 MB
  284. Lesson 40 - 03 - Drills Three-Note Chords - Melodic.mp3 5 MB
  285. Lesson 40 - 04 - Drills Three-Note Chords - Harmonic.mp3 3 MB
  286. Lesson 40 - 05 - Drills Four-Note Chords - Melodic.mp3 2 MB
  287. Lesson 40 - 06 - Drills Four-Note Chords - Harmonic.mp3 2 MB
  288. Lesson 40 - 07 - Lightning Rounds Seventh & Fourth Chords.mp3 3 MB
  289. Lesson 40 - 08 - Lightning Rounds Ninth & Sixth Chords.mp3 3 MB
  290. Lesson 40 - 09 - Lightning Rounds Eleventh & Thirteenth Chords.mp3 3 MB
  291. Lesson 40 - 10 - Lightning Rounds All Chords.mp3 8 MB
  292. Lesson 40 - 11 - Lightning Rounds All Chords - Synthesizer.mp3 11 MB
  293. Lesson 41 - 1 - Introduction - Day of Established Relative Pitch.mp3 1 MB
  294. Lesson 41 - 3 - Main Piece.mp3 1 MB
  295. Lesson 41 - 5 - Answers Main Piece.mp3 6 MB
  296. Lesson 41 - 7 - Final Talk & Notes.mp3 19 MB
  297. Relative Pitch Ear Training by David Lucas Burge (Manual).pdf 8 MB
  298. Torrent download links:
  299. http://www.kickasstorrents.com/relative-pitch-ear-training-by-david-lucas-burge-t7712941.html
  300. http://katmirror.com/relative-pitch-ear-training-by-david-lucas-burge-t7712941.html
  301. http://extratorrent.com/torrent/3171889/David+Lucas+Burge+-+Relative+Pitch+Ear+Training+Levels+1+-+5+1+PDF%2C+365+MP3s.html
  302. http://extramirror.com/torrent/3171889/David+Lucas+Burge+-+Relative+Pitch+Ear+Training+Levels+1+-+5+1+PDF%2C+365+MP3s.html

David Lucas Burge Torrent

David lucas burge


Salepage :David Lucas Burge – Perfect Pitch Ear Training
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Learn to recognize EXACT tones — BY EAR! The #1 best-selling ear training method, as seen in major music magazines for 20 years and verified by research at two leading universities.

An amazing discovery into your personal musical talent.

In classical times, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin — and most all the musical greats — had Perfect Pitch. From classical to pop to rock to jazz, many current and recent superstars also possess (or did possess) Perfect Pitch: Frank Sinatra, Leonard Bernstein, Barbra Streisand, Julie Andrews, Andre Previn, Stevie Wonder, Nat King Cole, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Glenn Gould, Yngwie Malmsteen, Eric Johnson, Tommy Mars, Bela Bartok, Jascha Heifetz, Paul Shaffer, Yo-Yo Ma, Yanni — the list goes on and on.

In the general population, Perfect Pitch is rare. But the further up the musical ladder you climb, the more commonplace the ability becomes. For example, at the Julliard School of Music you’ll find about 10% of the students with Perfect Pitch. A typical symphony orchestra will boast 20-40% of its membership with Perfect Pitch. Surveys indicate that half of today’s most popular recording artists have Perfect Pitch, rising to 87% for top concert performers.

Professionals rate a good sense of pitch as the most valuable element of musicianship — higher than any other essential, including good rhythm, technical facility, accurate memory, intensity discrimination, and creativity. Even with years of formal training and the finest instrument, one’s success and enjoyment always hinges on one’s ability to hear.

David lucas burge relative pitch review

The Perfect Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse contains 8 audio CDs (or cassettes) plus easy handbook. You will learn the fascinating secrets behind the legendary ability of Perfect Pitch — the prized “super ear” of the world’s greatest musicians, the master key that enables you to:

+ recognize EXACT tones and chords — BY EAR! + sing correct tones — without a starting pitch + play songs by ear after listening to them + compose music in your head + perform with confidence, increase your powers of memory + sight-read and sight-sing with precision + enjoy richer perception, finer music appreciation

The proof? You will actually hear for yourself — with YOUR OWN EARS!

It’s a curious experience the first time you can tell that a vocalist hit a high C, or when an ensemble has drifted flat — just by listening with your own ears. Singers find Perfect Pitch invaluable for sight singing, locating obscure pitches, singing in tune, and producing a correct pitch out of thin air.

Glancing at a page of sheet music, others may see only black dots. But with Perfect Pitch, you can mentally hear how each pitch sounds.

Listening to music, you can hear that a piece is in the key of G major, and you can follow the chords by ear: E minor, A major, D dominant seven, etc. — a vital tool to zero in on voice lines within layers of melody and harmony.

When you know each pitch by ear, musical tones become yours to command. For example, if you want to play by ear, your ear does the work for you — instead of searching for desired tones by hand.

Do you ever have a new melody or new chord sequence come to your mind, unexpected, in a flash of inspiration? When your ear can identify tones with Perfect Pitch, you can take that music out of your head simply by listening to your “inner radio.”

Perfect Pitch (known in scholarly circles as “absolute pitch”) also adds a higher aesthetic appreciation. Acoustical psychologist A. Bachem found that “particular characteristics of certain keys, e.g., the brilliancy of A major, the softness of D flat major, can only be appreciated fully through absolute pitch.” This richness of sound extends even beyond the musical sphere into day-to-day living. For example, as your ear becomes more alert, you suddenly find that you can easily recognize voices on the phone, or quickly pick up languages and foreign accents.

Music is a hearing art. When you develop your ear, you touch everything in music. Every possible avenue of skill and talent is ultimately linked to your ear.

Imagine the talents your Perfect Pitch can open for YOU — to advance your playing, your singing, your own creativity and confidence. But then again — how will you ever know until you experience Perfect Pitch for yourself?

Don’t wait and wonder. Order your own Perfect Pitch Ear-Training SuperCourse — a lifetime gift of music to yourself. Do it now — and hear it with your own ears!

P.S. Special Offer: To celebrate Version 2.0 we’re now giving away TWO free CDs!!

More from Categories : Music Learning

Course Features

  • Lectures0
  • Quizzes0
  • Skill levelAll Level
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Students527
  • AssessmentsYes


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David Lucas Burge Perfect Pitch


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