Best For Business Mac Or Pc

Best business laptops you can buy today. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon (8th Gen) 2. HP Elite Dragonfly 3. Apple MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) 4. Microsoft Surface Pro 7 5. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga. The Magic Mouse. Okay, this one may sounds like a stretch, but it is because I am picky about the. An aspect that heavily tilts the balance in favor of PCs is the fact that you have the option to choose and customize your machine right from scratch. PC, I'd never dish the money for a MAC just because they're so expensive. It's all going to be junk in a few years. Buy something cheap but functional, learn how to take care of it (really easy), upgrade memory or HD yourself, prolong it's battery life. If money is no issue, PC is still best for office. One of the best PC answers to Apple's 16-inch is the Asus StudioBook Pro. The higher-end model offers a six-core Intel Xeon processor, Nvidia Quadro RTX graphics card, 32 gigabytes of RAM, and a.

Comparing Mac vs PC? Take a quick test to decide which computer is better for you.

Are you a gaming fanatic?

Mac vs PC comparison with a test

A PC or a Mac, which should I get? Will I buy a new Macbook or Windows laptop? Which is best for me? Similar question, which operating system is better: Windows vs Os. When buying a new computer your main comparison will be between these two options, which we will break down for you:

Apple Macintosh, or “Mac”: Apple Macbook if you’re looking for a laptop, or maybe even a Macbook Pro. The iMac is the Apple desktop computer. Both Macbook and iMac run with the operating system Mac OS X (as opposed to iOS that is a smartphone/ tablet OS).

versus ...

Windows PC: Laptops and desktops running on Windows, Microsoft's operating system. Made by brands like Acer, Asus, Dell, HP and Lenovo… and many others. The brand diversity makes it harder to compare the hardware. But the software these computers run of is 99% Windows.

Mac vs pc is subject of great discussion. And you will be sure to find many sources and reviews on the web. Many experts publish about this comparison discussing which exact Macbook types are available, their respective differences and how they compare with HP and Lenevo laptops. For laptops there's a wide range, but also for desktops many options are available for Windows desktops versus iMac.
Our PC vs Mac test is an alternative that consists of 8 simple questions and takes just 2 minutes to complete. It gives you a personal answer if Mac or PC is better. Start test right away on top of this page.

Is Mac better than PC, and why? (And vice versa.) The comparison covers aspects like purpose for professional and recreational use of the computer. E.g. relevant if you’re considering to buy a macbook pro because you’re a designer. As a gamer you’ll have different requirements. Design and usability demands are taken into account, as well buying decision criteria like computer cost, maintainance and service. Which smartphone and brand ecosystem you prefer can be influencial in this comparison. Also your personal beliefs on values like freedom or safety play an important role. Should the software be highly customizable or plug and play? An operating system like Windows has a total different approach than Mac Os when it comes to these criteria.

PC vs Mac is a quiz like test has been made simple and short to easely decide which is better for you. However the test result is without any guarantees. If you prefer more detailed reading we present you some of the sources from our research:, and More sources can be found on the resultpage at the end of this test. Begin PC vs Mac test at the top of this page.

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I have been a Windows user all my life. Having run my business on the Windows platform for two years and being extremely well-versed in the Windows platform, I never thought I would ever change.

In fact, I often laughed at the yuppie Apple fanboys in their turtlenecks and running shoes for buying into the marketing messages and paying twice what a computer should cost.

I’ve changed my tune.

But first, I must preface this article by saying that moving to the Mac was a good option for me, but that hardly makes it a good choice for all businesses. I don’t pretend that your productivity will suddenly soar when you rest your hands on an Apple keyboard for the first time, but I have personally found the platform to be surprisingly convenient for running a small business.

8 Apple Features that Improve My Business (in no particular order)

Mac Vs Pc For Business

(8) First and foremost, no viruses.
In theory, the Apple operating system is no less secure than a Windows machine; however, because there are far more Windows machines in the world and because there are so many legacy Windows machines that are not regularly patched, hackers do not need to tap the smaller Mac ecosystem to infect a large number of computers. Simply put, they go for the larger Windows target.

Nearly every time a friend or family member has a slow computer and asks me to look at it, the problem is that their PC system is full of viruses. I can’t even count how many computers I’ve cleaned viruses from. Having a computer that is running fast (slowness is the first sign of a virus) and secure is essential for a business.

There have been viruses for the Mac, but there is yet to be any kind of widespread issues like on the PC.

Best Pc For Business

Spending a significant amount of time in email and working on my computer, it is very likely that a business computer will eventually get a virus. This can cause data loss, loss of productivity, or even scarier–it could allow hackers to get into your website, bank, or other sensitive areas.

Working on a Mac where viruses are almost non-existent is great peace of mind.

Best For Business Mac Or Pc

(7) Device Quality
While I would consider the Mac operating system itself to be no “better” than Windows, I would certainly say that the Mac computers themselves are of higher quality than even the highest-end Windows machines.

Windows computers are made with razor thin price margins. That means computer makers need to skimp on every part of the computer to make a profit. If a nice processor and ram are included, then a cheap webcam and battery are put in to compensate.

Because of the price premium and expected quality of the Mac line of computers, I have found the hardware (the computer itself) to be of higher quality than any Windows computer I ever used at any price point.

(6) Back to my Mac
Back to my Mac is an excellent built-in feature of the Mac operating system. When I am traveling and want to access my home hard drive, I can use it to access the data quickly.

This type of functionality can certainly be done on Windows computers with software, but I never found a solution that works as well in the Windows ecosystem.

Is it possible to do this same thing on the PC? Sure, but it requires third-party software and never I could never find one that worked reliably without slowing down the machine.

(5) Airplay
Airplay is one of my favorite features. From my iPhone, iMac, or laptop, I can press the airplay button with a single click on any application and show my screen on a TV. This has been convenient for recording video tutorials where I want to show my screen in a video, as well as convenient for streaming movies and other content to the TV for enjoyment.

(4) Unified cloud-based syncing
Apple offers iCloud for all iOS and Mac devices. That has been tremendously useful for communication and portability in my business. If I take notes or create reminders on my iPhone, my wife (who works with me) has the same notes and reminders synced up on her phone.

Another example of the excellent job Apple does of a unified approach to accounts is with the Mac App Store. If I purchase a piece of software on my laptop, it is also available on my iMac.

(3) Thunderbolt
Since my business is in the photography niche and since I do a lot of video tutorials, I have to store huge amounts of data. In fact, I currently have over 15 TERABYTES of multimedia. This does not fit on one machine. I rely on a Drobo (RAID device that allows you to use 5 external drives as a single drive) to hold my data.

I have tried multiple USB 3 external hard drives on both Windows and Mac computers and the speeds, while higher than USB 2, are still slower than I need to quickly do my work.

Macs use the thunderbolt interface in addition to including USB 3. With the devices I use thunderbolt with instead of USB 3, I am seeing a near doubling of transfer rates. While this may seem minor, it actually makes a tremendous difference when working with video because I can edit straight on the Drobo instead of taking the time to move files to and from the internal hard drive.

(2) Resale value
While Apple products are extremely expensive, they almost always keep their value well. Apple products are in high demand, so the used items often sell for surprisingly good prices.

This is especially important to me when considering the purchase of a laptop. Laptop batteries do not last forever. In fact, they often only charge up to 800 times. So I always try to sell off my laptops after they are a year and a half old before they start having issues of battery problems and bit-rot.

Unlike most Windows computers, one drawback to Mac laptops is that the battery is not replaceable, so when the battery is dead, so to is the computer. This is a drawback, but as long as you sell the device long before this starts becoming an issue, I have found that they keep their value generally better than Windows machines of comparable specs.

(1) The Magic Mouse
Okay, this one may sounds like a stretch, but it is because I am picky about the mouse I use on my computer. Using a clunky mouse with imprecise tracking and slow scrolling makes me feel like my productivity suffers–especially when I work in Photoshop.

The Apple Magic Mouse is the best mouse I have ever used. Not only is it precise and wireless, it lets you use gestures right on top of the mouse with no track pad. So to scroll down, I just rub my finger on it. I’m in nerd heaven.

Drawbacks to Using the Mac for Business

(1) Up-front Cost

Best Computer For Business Mac Or Pc

No doubt, Mac computers are far more expensive than Windows computers when compared spec-for-spec. However, I’ve found it to be a worthwhile cost given the productivity gains and features mentioned above.

Mac for pc download

(2) Specialty Business Software

If you work in a specialized industry that has software that is PC only, that would be a serious consideration. You can easily put Windows and the Apple operating system on a Mac computer, but you may question if the change is worth it if you need to constantly switch which operating system you are using.

Best For Business Mac Or Pc

(3) Learning Curve

Best For Business Mac Or Pc Computer

It took me a solid 5 months before I finally said, “Okay, I think I might be liking the Mac better now.” At first I hated how everything worked because it felt slower as I tried to cram the way I did things on a PC into my Mac workflow. I highly recommend a starter class (free) at the Apple store after purchase.

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